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Pół na pół (Half and Half) 2018/2024

the backyard in Ulica Artura Schopenhauera 1, Gdańsk-Oliwa, Poland
looped projection
typeface: Pekora Bold


Arthur Schopenhauer, who can be called the father of philosophical pessimism,
spent part of his childhood in Gdańsk-Oliwa.

His essay The Vanity of Existence contains a sentence that became a well-known maxim: ‘Every evening we are
poorer by a day’. In the work Half and Half

it was supplemented by its counterpart: every morning we are richer by a day.


Co wieczór jesteśmy  (Every evening we are)

ubożsi o jeden dzień  (poorer by a day)

Każdego ranka jesteśmy  (Every morning we are)

bogatsi o kolejny dzień  (richer by a day)


29. November 2024